Why your Why is Important?
By Dominic Bruneau | Profusion Consulting
15 Feb 2022
Why am I doing this, and why will people use me?
Why? A compelling question but, at the same time, one with so many unwanted negative connotations.
I’ve recently read Simon Sinek’s powerful book ‘Start with WHY’, in which he discusses his ‘Golden Circle’ and how people buy into why we do something, rather than what we do.
Why did I start
Why did I start my business? It’s such an important question, and its answer determines the success the business will go on to have.
If you have started planning a new business venture to satisfy disillusionment in your current job, then think again. Think again if you are starting your business to have freedom, wealth, or material benefits.
If it is to be your own boss and not to be told what to do – you’ve guessed it – think again.

I know the above are benefits and rewards for those who have started their own business for the right reasons, and all of those are great. However, they will be the by-product of why you started your own business and will come naturally if your why is genuine and authentic.
As Simon Sinek says, ‘people buy why you do something and not what you do’. It took me a few re-reads to get my head fully around the real meaning of this.
The meaning of WHY
If you sell houses, that is what you do, and ultimately so does every one of your competitors. All customers receive the same end product, and their decisions come down to price, value, fees, personality, track record, etc.
However, they rarely come down to real buy-in. Alternatively, maybe you started your own agency because you want to help people secure the perfect buyer and home at the top level the market will offer? You wanted to help them achieve a fair fee and to provide a level of service which takes the stress away from moving and, in doing so, enhance the reputation of the industry – then you have a clear and authentic why.

The customer who engages with you will choose you because they want to believe in an agent who does a great job, maximizes their price, finds them a genuine buyer, and can trust that you answer their need because your why is what they also seek.
The WHY that brought us together
I set my business up 18 months ago. When doing so, I knew I had an authentic and genuine wish to help people and businesses improve. I wanted to ensure that new starters, the newly promoted, or fast-growing individuals and aspirational companies didn’t make mistakes which often have a long-term negative effect.
I wanted to pass on my knowledge, through years of learning and studying, to ensure I helped business owners and individuals accelerate their path to success and become the very best they could be.
It is no surprise that my clients have a vision which shows them excelling in their field. They have a passion for what they do that sits above being a market leader or earning lots of money. For them, it’s about a love for their products, from estate agencies to coffee shops, from repairs and maintenance to physiotherapy. Their passion is genuine, their why shines through and customers buy into this process and product.

Ask yourself WHY
When starting your new venture, your push for promotion, or your business expansion – establish your why – then challenge it in each area, and ask yourself what it means to you.
- How will you feel when you achieve that role?
- What will it mean to those important to you?
- How does it sit in with your values & beliefs?
If you haven’t done so already, I would suggest reading ‘Start with WHY’ by Simon Sinek. You might just be inspired to take action!
(Available on Amazon and all reputable book sellers)